Iron Throne Role Play Wikia

Under the reign of Aelyx of House Targaryen, Commander of the Golden Company, Prince of Slaver's Bay, True King of the Rhoynar, Andals and the First Men, wielder of the Valyrian Steel sword Blackfyre and Last of the Dragonriders.

The Small Council[]

SCBadge HotK Hand of the Dragon: Aeron Baelish

SCBadge LCotKG Lord Commander of the Dragonguard: Ser Mataerys Sunglass

SCBadge IL Legate of Warfare: Captain-General Osmund Massey

SCBadge MoC Master of Coin: Desmond Rowan

SCBadge MoL Master of Laws: Jacaerys Targaryen

SCBadge MoW Mistress of Whisperers: Aenya Targaryen

SCBadge MoS Master of Ships: Daevos Firewater

SCBadge GM Grand Maester: [Available for applications]

Dragonguard Members[]
